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EM Resident - Student Mentoring Program

The goal of the EM Resident-Student Mentoring program is to provide senior medical students interested in Emergency Medicine residencies advice as they contemplate a career in Emergency Medicine and support during the residency application process and the match.


MS3s and MS4s at VUSM and MMC that are seriously interested in a career in emergency medicine will be paired with a PGY2 or PGY3 EM resident at VUMC. 



  • There will be an initial meeting between the resident mentor and the student mentee to discuss expectations and the student’s goals for the mentoring relationship.

  • The resident mentor and student mentee are encouraged to be in contact (phone, email, in person, etc.) at minimum once per semester. The resident should be available during application and interview season to mentor as needed.

  • Resident mentors and student mentees should plan to attend group mentoring events.

  • The resident mentors and medical students should be respectful of each other’s scheduling constraints and be timely.

  • The resident mentor will provide guidance on general career advice, as well as the pros and cons of Emergency Medicine as a specialty.  


Fourth Year Students:

  • The resident mentor will be available to provide feedback on the mentee’s ERAS application, including the CV and personal statement.

  • Provide guidance on away rotations

  • Provide guidance on applying to Emergency Medicine residencies 

  • Provide advice on residency interviews

  • The resident mentor will follow mentees’ progress throughout the application process, checking in at least once during the application and interview season between August and February


Student Mentees:

  • The student mentee will update the resident mentor on their progress.

Faculty Contact Information

Jason Lesnick


Logan Wilson, MD


Why Emergency Medicine?

Whether your contribution to medicine will be made in Emergency Medicine or another specialty, emergencies occur in all specialties and in life (e.g., “Is there a doctor on the plane?”). Thus, it is vitally important for you to have the tools to deal with common emergencies that you are likely to encounter during your residency or even in life.


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