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Dr. Collins is Professor of Emergency Medicine and co-director of the Vanderbilt Coordinating Center, Associate Director of Clinical Trials in the Institute for Medicine and Public Health, and Director of the Center for Emergency Care Research and Innovation at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. His current research interests are in cardiovascular and ED-based clinical trials.

Dr. Collins completed residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. After his chief resident year, he spent 10 years as faculty at the University of Cincinnati and was promoted to Associate Professor. During this time, he completed a research fellowship and obtained his MSc in epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. In July 2011, Dr. Collins joined the Vanderbilt faculty as an Associate Professor. He has directed and served on several steering committees for international cardiovascular trials and has published over 180 peer-reviewed manuscripts often as first or senior author. He is currently PI of several federally funded cardiovascular and acute care clinical trials including 3 from NHLBI and 1 from PCORI.


Sean Collins, MD, MSc

Professor of Emergency Medicine

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