Alycia Montgomery, MD
Reading, rock climbing, game nights/video games, painting
Why did you choose VUMC Emergency Medicine?
I chose VUMC EM because it felt like a good fit! Having never been to Nashville previously I was a little nervous, but after my interview and second look day, I knew that I would be happy to end up in Nashville. The residency leadership, the general block structure, and the setup of each rotation really met what I was looking for in a program. I knew going in that I wanted to train at a location with high acuity and complex patients, and I have really enjoyed my time at Vanderbilt so far
What are your interests within Emergency Medicine?
I am interested in women's health care from the emergency department
What would you be doing if you weren't doing Emergency Medicine?
If I wasn't doing EM (or medicine), I would want to work in a bookstore! I have also always wanted to write a book, so I would also like to think I would be working on that too
What's your 5-year plan?
I am open to what the next 5 years bring! I found a love of teaching prior to medical school, so I can absolutely see myself working at an academic hospital, but I think I would like to split that with a community practice. With my interest in women's health care, I would also like to have some patient advocacy in my future, but I am open to how that will be incorporated
What's a random fact about you?
I think that tea is better than coffee